To order flowers, gifts and fruit baskets you should review our product collection visiting categories from the left or top menus, than look through and choose a flower or gift that you like. To make an order of your preferred product put the chosen product into basket by clicking “Add to Cart” button. The number and amount of your orders will always be displayed on the top of left column were the “Shopping Cart" is located. After placing all your preferred products into your “Shopping Cart”, you must click on “Show Cart" at shopping cart section in order to proceed with your order. In this page, you can see all products of your shopping cart and the total amount. Here you can change the number of selected items and remove product if needed. After reviewing your shopping cart, you can go to “Checkout”. In checkout page, you will be asked to fill out shipping addresses with delivery details as well as select payment method. Please make sure you have accurate information while filling in the form:
- Please enter correct address of the recipient in shipping address form and his/her contact telephone number in order to contact if needed on delivery.
- If you chose “not inform the recipient about the delivery” the contact number you have provided will only be used when the delivery fails (the recipient isn’t at the scheduled delivery place or address is incorrect)
- Your correct contact information is necessary to contact you for some additional delivery and payment details as well as possible changes and miss-communication situations.
- After placing the order and verification of data, select the payment method and enter the appropriate data for making the payment.
You can also place an order by phone, please contact us for details: